
Saturday 27.07


Category: Health


People's Parliament


How will coronavirus change the world? – Comment and Analysis

Where will we be in six months, a year, 10 years from now? I lie awake at night wondering what the future holds for my loved ones. My vulnerable friends and relatives. I wonder what will happen to my job, even though I’m one of the lucky ones: I get good sick pay and can work remotely.

3PSMars Admin

People's Parliament


Africa Unleashed? – investing and Innovating for the Sustainable Development Goals

Since their adoption in 2015, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which form the content of the Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development, have continued to affirm the hopes, and potentials they portend for international development

3PSMars Admin

People's Parliament


Support to Nigeria Malaria Programme (SuNMaP)

Support to Nigeria Malaria Programme (SuNMaP) – Health Partners International (HPI) is a partner in the consortium managing an exciting new programme of support to the National Malaria Control Programme (NMCP) in Nigeria, funded by the Department for International Development (DFID).

3PSMars Admin

People's Parliament


Expanding Community Management of Malnutrition in Nigeria

Severe acute malnutrition (SAM), or extremely low weight-for-height, is estimated to affect 500,000-1,000,000 children under age five in Nigeria every year, contributing to as many as 100,000 deaths per year. Community-based management of acute malnutrition (CMAM), a proven intervention for treating SAM, has been launched in 11 northern states of Nigeria, but the treatment is estimated to cover only 15-25% of the national burden of SAM each year

3PSMars Admin

People's Parliament


Human Waste Reuse: Solution to a Growing Sanitation Problem?

Human Waste Reuse: Solution to a Growing Sanitation Problem? – Published by Jeff Smith – Scientists are influencing sanitation policies in South Asia and demonstrating composting technology to turn human faecal sludge into fertilizer pellets for agricultural use. Their work presents solutions for a growing global sanitation problem that can reduce the environmental impact of development and contribute to efforts to sustainably intensify agricultural production.

3PSMars Admin

3PSMARS Analytics


Ebola Outbreak: UN Lacks resources to fight deadly virus

The head of the UN mission charged with fighting Ebola in West Africa has told the BBC he does not yet have the resources necessary to defeat it. Tony Banbury said more help was urgently needed, despite significant contributions from the UK, China, Cuba and the US.

3PSMars Admin

3PSMARS Analytics


Scientists: ‘Positive’ results in 1st human trial of experimental Ebola vaccine

All 20 healthy adults who received the vaccine in a trial run by researchers from the National Institutes of Health in Maryland produced an immune response and developed anti-Ebola antibodies, the NIH said Wednesday.

3PSMars Admin

3PSMARS Analytics


What to Expect from My Blog

Globally, the subjects you will be reading on this blog vary in degrees – this is due to the all-encompassing and multidisciplinary nature of the subject – Managing for Development Results (MfDR).

3PSMars Admin

3PSMARS Analytics


Water and Sanitation Report Card: Slow Progress, Inadequate Funding

The Ebola crisis has thrown into sharp relief the issue of water, sanitation and hygiene in treating and caring for the sick. Dying patients are being taken to hospitals which never had enough water to maintain hygiene, and the epidemic has pushed the system to the breaking point.

3PSMars Admin

3PSMARS Analytics


Zika: UN health agency launches global response strategy

Zika: UN health agency launches global response strategy; Member States briefed on outbreak

3PSMars Admin

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