
Tuesday 22.10


About Us

Who We are

3psmars Knowledge Portal is an online resource centre and professional network platform, aimed at promoting research and capacity development in results-based approach to international development and public sector management. It is the flagship programme of 3psmars International, a Non-Profit International Organization that has its Headquarters in Paris, France.

The overarching objective of providing this unique platform is to promote excellence in public policy and action through advocacy for Managing for Development Results (MfDR) to enhance more sustainable economic, social and environmental welfare of people in developing countries.

3psmars.org therefore aims at promoting intellectual actions for research and capacity building towards increased efficiency in public policy, leadership and management and will support public efforts in building people and institutions by fostering dialogues of politics, government, public agencies, think-tanks, personnel, academicians, students, research and academic institutions with a view of re-linking research and policy in the practice of Managing for Development Results (MfDR). The project emphasizes national perspectives for information and action, to build on common country development route for innovation and improvement in the public service that generates assessable development results.

The Organizations actions are concentrated on developing countries but it has a special regional focus – Africa. It aims to promote sustainable development in the region and elsewhere by:

  • Informing and engaging in capacity building, research and advocacy for development effectiveness through:
  • Promoting the Results-Based approach to public sector management;
  • Increased Development Ownership;
  • Transforming leadership;
  • Local action with a global perspective; and
  • Action for collective responsibility

3psmars management conducts itself with integrity, accountability and respect by, among others, honoring their commitment to excellence in everything.

The name, 3psmars, is derived from Policy, Planning and Public Sector (3PS) Management for Results (MARS).

We aim at an increased visibility and impact as more people take interest in what we do and decide to join the movement.

For this to happen, this website offers a broad range of opportunities for interaction and exchange on public policy, institutional and development management, programme planning, monitoring and evaluation, policy analysis as well as administrative action that conforms with the principles of managing for development results and Results-Based Management.

Our respect for the principle of thinking globally and acting locally caused actions in our core competence areas to be guarded by the Internationally Agreed Development Goals, especially the MDGs and Sustainable Development Policies, which are pointers to results and multisectoral approach to development management – considering ecological sanity, economical progress and social cohesion as intertwining phenomenon which requires simultaneous actions for development results that benefit the common man.

We bring these principles into the national and local realities and hope to connect actors in local development together for a continuity of efforts to make development work for the people through focus on results and transparency and helping leadership to transform vision to policy and quality development delivery at the end of the process.

We therefore guarantee on our site, the possibility to make your voice heard on issues pertaining to international development and management of public affairs. You can signup immediately and start a blog post, contribute or comment on those of others, start a forum and share resources by postig useful documents as part of the contribution to increase the knowledge bank of best practices in public policy, development and management. This also works the other way round – as open resource sharing means that you can consult for free the documents left by other users on the site.

Membership of 3psmars, for organizations and individuals, is free. And it will always be free!

Short, Medium and Long-term objectives

Our vision is to see development in the developing world matching the economic growth potential it has at present in the next ten years. We believe that Africa and other countries of the South are well endowed to make every of their citizens prosper. We specifically envisioned an Africa that could reverse its present development predicament into a region that matches the Western progress and combine the advantage of its abundant raw materials to become a new example for equitable growth and development. We also believe that if the present economic gains are not channeled towards development, there is a risk of breakdown someday.We are conscious of the magnitude of our ambition, but are optimistic that things can turn around, by contributing our quota through active initiative ion our fields of competence.

  • 3psmars short term objective is to create a bond of membership that will cut across countries and cultures, where we can exchange and manage knowledge for better understanding of results approach in the public sector and create a linkage between programme, research and practice sectors in developing countries towards the realization of development that constantly work for the people.
  • In the medium term, one of our major goals is to launch individual country-by-country campaign on managing for development results. The Results for Nigerians Pilot Project has been set up to test our ability for this future projection. This project will serve as a guide to our extending franchised action to other Sub-Saharan Africa countries as we continue to animate the online global campaign.
  • On the long run, 3psmars aims to become a Think Tank and number one in knowledge management of MfDR and RBM in public policy, planning and management for sustainable development. We are hoping to rapidly earn credibility through the platform of this website and by so doing grow our business and activities to the level of hosting a consultant marketplace on public sector management, leadership and institutional reform and management.

International Advisory Group (IAG)

As an organization with a strong aim of building credibility with the highest levels of leadership in countries, and striving to reach out to the political class and heads of governments, who conventionally have less interest in what we do, but whose insights and impacts will be most positively influenced by our work, we consider it essential to constitute and International Advisory Group (IAG).

Also, for our ambition to deal with Government Ministries, Departments and Agencies- with the expectation that they can trust us with the handling of their digital content that will be uploaded on our website we want to remain as guarded and as confidential as possible. The constitution of an Advisory Group is, in this light, extremely fundamental.

Composed of Senior country and international civil servants, the political class, the academics, NGOs and civil society organizations, carefully selected based on experience, records of achievements, integrity and interest in our fields of competence, Our Advisory Group will constitute a Committee of Trustees that will play roles in leveraging our activities and create balance between our ambition and respect for the rules and regulations of the public service. We trust that an Advisory Group represents a strong backing for our ideas and initiatives while lending their wealth of experience to add to the quality of the services and assistance we deliver.

Please check back shortly for information on the identities of our IAG.


3psmars hopes to raise funds for its activities through money generated from its online economic activities. However, because it is possible that the income we earn might not be enough to cover some of our ambitious projects and activities, we will rely on grants from donors, partners and the organizations with whom we collaborate. We will practice a lot of crowdfunding, especially, online crowd fund-raising to increase our chances of meeting our targets.

We will definitely pursue transparency in our interaction and will do all necessary to continue to earn the trust of donors by making public our yearly financial budget andstatements of accounts.

3psmars does not exclude any legal means of raising fund, including online and other form of crowd funding.