
Saturday 27.07


Category: Equal Rights

Equal Rights

3PSMARS Analytics


Africa: The role of women in the economy

African Bulletin – The role of African women in the informal economy should be recognized and valued by including appropriate

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3PSMARS Analytics


Fresh fighting displaces thousands in North Darfur

‘Violence must stop now,’ says UN expert as fresh fighting displaces thousands in North Darfur – Warning that, in the last two weeks, a new escalation of violence has forced tens of thousands of civilians to flee their homes in the Jebel Marra area of Darfur, a United Nations human rights expert today called for an immediate end to hostilities that have triggered new protection and humanitarian concerns in the long-restive region of Sudan.

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3PSMARS Analytics


Africa Analysis: Give women a push in science academies

A woefully low proportion of members of the world’s learned bodies and science academies are women.

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3PSMARS Analytics


The Nigerian Politics of Tribalism

The politics of tribalism in Nigeria has contributed to its enduring fragile democracy. The article explains the basis and origin of the phenomenon and offers some advice on ways forward.

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Tool Kit On Gender Equality Results And Indicators

Tool KIt on Gender Equality Results and Indicators – This Tool Kit on Gender Equality Results and Indicators is a joint publication of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) and the

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Report of the UN High-level Panel on the Global Response to Health Crises

The Report of the UN High-level Panel on the Global Response to Health Crises focuses on health crises arising from the outbreaks of new, acute or re-emerging communicable diseases that

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Aid Effectiveness: Bringing Country Ownership (And Politics) Back In

Aid effectiveness: bringing country ownership (and politics) back in – The 2005 Paris Declaration grew out of a consensus on the importance of ‘country ownership’ to the success of development

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